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The Mutt





The reason why the Goud Saraswath Brahmins, who worship all Gods, are Vaishnavas: The most precious knowledge for a Goud Saraswath Brahmin is that Lord Vishnu is the SUPREME Being. Nobody knows the divine Leelas of Lord Vishnu (Hari) because it is incomprehensible and beyond one’s imagination. That is why, Goud Saraswath Brahmins are Vaishnavas even though they worship all Gods.


Shrimath Madhwacharya’s connection with Shree Kashi Math Samsthan :


The ancient story about the Goud Saraswath Brahmins is not very clear on this. When Shrimath Madhwacharya visited Goa he found countless Goud Saraswath Brahmins already lived in Goa at that time as they had been invited there in prior times by the famous Saraswath Shree Parashuram (Incarnation of Lord Shree Vishnu).
Originally Goud Saraswaths were divided as Vaishnavas and Advaitas.It was only after the Vaishnava Goud Saraswath Brahmins interacted with Madhwacharya that they took the path of Dvaita Siddhanta of Shrimath Madhwacharya.

Shree Kashi Math Samsthan disciples today are followers of the Vaishnavite philosophy propounded by Madhwacharya.


Shree Kashi Math Samsthan


Deities : The Mathadhipathi (Head of the Math) offers daily prayers to the Charaprathishta(Moving Installation) deity, the Presiding deities of worship in Shree Kashi Math Samsthan – Lord Shri Veda Vyasa and Lord Shri Raghupati (Rama) and Shree Narasimha (Ugra Roopa) which is popularly known as Shri Vyasa Raghupati Narasimha.

Swamijis of Shree Kashi Math Samsthan, by tradition, personally worship the deities three times a day – morning, noon and night. Whatever be the state of health, H.H Shrimath Sudhindra Thirtha Swamiji has continued this tradition. Acccording to custom, Swamiji takes bath three times a day, once each before the three Poojas.
Dharma Peeta and Gurukula (centre of education) is not for everyone. The goal is the same, but the results are different.

In the Gurukula : The student must practice Brahmacharya (Celibacy), learn the Shastras (scriptures) from the teacher and engage in deep study of the Vedas. The Guru’s role will be that of householder with the experience of the world. The generous Guru will teach poetry and drama, in addition to the Vedas.

Whereas in a Dharma Peetha : A Sanyasi is one who renounces everything. Sanyasis are Parivrajaks (wandering monks) because, to avoid attachments, they do not stay in one place. Sanyasis of Shree Kashi Math Samsthan are honest and free from desire. Their faith is deep and unfathomable and they are the best among Vaishnavas.

Shree Kashi Math Samsthan is the abode of Dharma. The knowledge of Lord Vedavyasa and the ideals and noble qualities of Lord Raghupati are incomprehensible. The Yatis of Shree Kashi Math Samsthan are attachments the knowers of truth.



The Mathadhipathi:

The spiritual head or the Mathadhipathi is also the administrative of the Math and its properties. As a Math specific to the Goud Saraswat Brahimins, the Mathadhipathis seldom mingle with members of other communities. The Mathadhipathi is not a mere spiritual head of the community. In the past, the Mathadhipathi exercised powers over secular matters of the community too. There have been occasions when the Mathadhipathi has excommunicated members for violation of his edicts.


Guru System:

As per customs followed in Shree Samsthan a Swamiji initiates a worthy vatu into Sanyas and accepts him as His Patta – Shishya. It is only after the Guru-Swami (Mathadhipathi) attains Mukti, that the Shishya Swami assumes control over the Math and looks after the affairs of the Math.





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